
Video is not available in your country - Lecture 4: Seam carving live coding session

JohannesNE opened this issue ยท 6 comments

When I try to watch Lecture 4 from Denmark.
YouTube just gives the message: "This video is not available in your country"

leios commented

I checked video availability, and it said we are distributing everywhere, so Denmark might be blocking it for some reason? The only thing I could think of was that this could be because we had music playing for the first 5 minutes. The music is under a CC-BY license and I use it all the time in my videos without any issues, so I doubt that's the case, but I removed the first 5 minutes just in case.

Would you be able to check back tomorrow morning your time?


There is an ongoing struggle between YT and the danish musicians organization (KODA), resulting in the removal danish music from YT, but reportedly also a lot of collateral damage (

I'll check tomorrow.

leios commented

Yeah, I found that thread as well! There was no discussion in the 5 minutes I cut out. It actually makes the video way better this way.

Please let us know if it's still unavailable and I can keep digging!

leios commented

Ok, that's really interesting. I don't know why that music sets off any alarms. Out of curiosity, are you able to watch any videos from my channel (

It uses the same background music (which is Creative Commons and I also paid licensing for to be safe).

I looked through a couple of them yesterday without any problem (good work btw ๐Ÿ‘ ). Just tried sampling ~10 of them now. All run fine.