
add link to github

fonsp opened this issue · 7 comments

fonsp commented

Which GitHub do you mean? The website?

The issue is not clear to me! Can you tell us more about the issue?

fonsp commented

I'm sorry that was a useless issue 😬

I meant that the web pages could link back to GitHub, inviting readers to contribute a fix or open an issue if they find something.

Yes definitely a good idea!

fonsp commented

@shashi (or someone else) is this trivial for you to do? Otherwise I will look into it myself.

I've been meaning to learn Franklin.jl anyways

Like edit on github link on each page??

I don't know how to do that off the top of my head, but I'm sure it's not that hard!

I will do it, kindly assign this issue to me. Thank you

Fixed by #11