
User who paid after "2nd date" wasn't give an exam authorization

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Steps to Reproduce

  1. User paid for 14.100x on 2020-08-19, before the "first date." This made them eligble for 2 exam attempts.
  2. They made one attempt on 2021-09-17
  3. They had one attempt remaining on the "second date" of 1/13/2022
  4. They used up that attempt on 2022-01-31
  5. They made another payment on 2022-07-06

Expected Behavior

  • Since they ran out of attempts, and made a payment, they should get another attempt

Actual Behavior

  • they didn't get another attempt, and are being asked to pay again.

I don't think we're going to bother fixing this in MM, but I want to note the details so we can address them after migrating this data to mitxonline.

I'm going to manually grant this user an exam authorization, since it's clear that they paid for one.


@pdpinch It looks like they used the second exam attempt after the "second date", which after this date their second attempt has expired (according to the code). So by the algorithm they were not supposed to have that second attempt anymore. Did the user get authorized for the exam manually? That would probably explain this scenario

@annagav that's right. I manually created an authorization on our about 8/18 for this user. (I can't retroactively give you access the ticket, but it's in there. I do wish I had left more details about how I did it though).

@pdpinch so for these users that had their authorizations done manually, would have to be handeled separetlly.

I only made that manual change to the data because the logic was behaving as I expected.

Can you confirm:

  1. my expected behavior is correct?
  2. if my expected behavior is correct, does the code follow that?

Yes, I think the expected behavior is reasonable, if we take into account that authorizations can created manually, when the user was supposed to get that attempt. But the algorithm does not take that into account. The algorithm thinks that the last attempt corresponds to the last payment, which were both made after the 2nd date, and there are no more attempts left.