
500 error when searching on the admin page for product

sentry-io opened this issue · 1 comments

Sentry Issue: MITXONLINE-36B

FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 'courseruns' into field. Choices are: basket_item, content_type, content_type_id, courserunproducts, created_on, description, discounts, id, is_active, object_id, price, programruns, purchasable_object, updated_on
(20 additional frame(s) were not displayed)
  File "django/db/models/sql/", line 1288, in build_filter
    return self._add_q(
  File "django/db/models/sql/", line 1435, in _add_q
    child_clause, needed_inner = self.build_filter(
  File "django/db/models/sql/", line 1309, in build_filter
    lookups, parts, reffed_expression = self.solve_lookup_type(arg)
  File "django/db/models/sql/", line 1135, in solve_lookup_type
    _, field, _, lookup_parts = self.names_to_path(lookup_splitted, self.get_meta())
  File "django/db/models/sql/", line 1562, in names_to_path
    raise FieldError("Cannot resolve keyword '%s' into field. "

This is due to the recent change to products' related_query_name in CourseRun model in this PR #1885

 products = GenericRelation(
        "ecommerce.Product", related_query_name="courserunproducts"

I think we just need to update courseruns in to use the new name