
Add VAT number to User Profile

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cachob commented

As an xPRO international learner, I'd like to be able to add VAT number information to my profile, which displays in my receipts. This will allow me to complete any processes that require VAT numbers in my country such as tuition reimbursements.

As an xPRO Customer Support agent, I'd like to be able to eliminate the need to request that this number be manually added to the learners receipts.

Register and Edit Profile:
Add Vat Number - Opt 2
Add Vat Number - Opt 2-1

Receipt Designs:
02-Receipt Screen B2C
03-Receipt - Email

As per my understanding and discussion with @arslanashraf7, We will be adding a new field in the User Profile table and that field will be visible to the user during account creation and in the edit profile page. We will add this new field in the receipts.

@cachob Let me know if I have misunderstood this one. Also, could you please provide some sample VAT numbers so that we can the new field accordingly?

cachob commented

@asadali145 - Yes, the request is that new field called VAT Number or Value Added Tax Number is to be added as a non-required field in the user profile. @mbilalmughal is involved with the design aspect of the new field. Let's coordinate with him when it comes to field placement, and whether we should add this in the account creation process as well. I originally thought that this would simply be a field that could be added later by the user once the account has been created - but then would it also be optimal to add this field at account creation? Perhaps Bilal can guide us with this.

We will also need the VAT number displayed (if provided) in the learner receipts (along with the learner information such as mailing address etc).

Based on the use-cases the VAT number field can also be entered with a value known as Company Code. I confirmed with customer support that the learner can enter either VAT ID or Company into this new field that we are creating.

Herer is an example of a VAT ID (Poland) - PL5840902894

This will help, Thanks for the detailed response @cachob.

Had a chat with @mbilalmughal, He is of the view that we should add the field in the account creation form as well. Here is the design that Bilal shared. Let me know if you find any issues @cachob.
MIT-xPRO-Edit-Profile-add VAT Number

@cachob @asadali145 The field's placeholder text is temporary, and intended to show you the character limit behind it. It should have some general placeholder text (please suggest any).

The reason behind adding it at the end of the form is as follows:

  • All optional fields are located at the end of the form, separated from the mandatory fields.
  • I have visited a few websites where they were asking for the VAT number. They either placed it right after the name or after the personal address to establish a connection, or they positioned it at the end beside the phone number. There is no general practice followed, as each form is designed differently and has different goals to achieve.
    So, I thought to add it at the end before submitting it.
cachob commented

@asadali145 - let's go ahead with the design Bilal suggested.

cachob commented

Quick notes from my chat with Customer Support.

VAT numbers should be present in both invoices and receipts. The learners need this in order for their employers to reimburse them, and the employers / companies need the VAT numbers on these documents at the time that they were issued ie they cannot add the VAT number AFTER the invoice or the receipts have been issued. I think this is a legal requirement for some countries. This is why the learners have to enter the number themselves.

I have a couple more questions:

  • Do we want to sync the VAT Number with HubSpot?
  • Do we want to include the VAT Number in the ol-data-platform?


cachob commented

@asadali145 - I believe we should add VAT to Hubspot and the data platform as it is part of the payment information

cachob commented

@asadali145 - There is a request that we revise the approach for this. There is a concern that we do not want to add extra fields to the user profile. Could we come up with alternate ways to be able to add the VAT to a receipt?

Could we add a field in the checkout process?

@cachob We can add a field in the checkout process. However, we will have to save the VAT number in our database to send the email and generate the receipts.

@pdpinch & @mbilalmughal Do you have any other ideas apart from adding the VAT Number to the User profile?

I'm adding the on hold label until we work out the product questions on this


@mbilalmughal Probably this comment was meant for:

  1. Design change tickets #2768 and/or #2769.
  2. Actual ticket


@mbilalmughal Probably this comment was meant for:

  1. Design change tickets Display country tax collection amounts on xPRO bulk order form and receipts #2768 and/or Display tax collection amounts on xPRO checkout page and receipts #2518 #2769.
  2. Actual ticket Charging learners for country taxes hq#2374

You are right. I just posted it on the other ticket you mentioned above. Should I delete it from here?

@mbilalmughal we can resume work on this
@asadali145 - we have some revised designs so after that is finalized we can resume work on this one

we have some revised designs so after that is finalized we can resume work on this one

@cachob Could you please share the revised designs? Can we start working using the revised designs?

@mbilalmughal do you mind sharing the most recent design for the VAT field?

@cachob @asadali145 I have this update for now, but we haven't decided on the placement of the VAT link.
It will be the same as adding an additional line for 'street address.

Here are two options

  • Option 1 - Added VAT ID at the bottom of the form after City Input field

    • Click Continue to start again
  • Option 2 - Added VAT ID after Full name

    • Click Continue to start again
  • Option - 1
    Add Vat Number - Opt 1
    Add Vat Number - Opt 1-1

  • Option - 2
    Add Vat Number - Opt 2
    Add Vat Number - Opt 2-1

@asadali145 We have decided on the position to display VAT, It's right after the full name.

Please check the following link
Option 2

cc: @cachob

got it, Thanks for the update.

@asadali145 We also need to add that VAT id to the user receipts, Here are the placement of displaying VAT information.

02-Receipt Screen B2C
03-Receipt - Email

Sure, We can do that.

@cachob Do we need to add VAT ID in Receipts when VAT ID is empty?
CC: @mbilalmughal

@asadali145 - no we do not need it to display in that case

This is ok to release - @asadali145