
sver can't reffer multi profiles on same sver.toml

kna opened this issue · 3 comments

kna commented

sver can't get file lists (and calc hash) for a profile which depends multi profiles on same sver.toml.
The root cause could be the following code:


Lines 190 to 193 in 205c8ce

if path_and_excludes.contains_key(path) {
debug!("already added. path:{}", path.to_string());
return Ok(());

It should check also a profile, I think.

The test code is here:

// repo layout
// .
// + test.txt
// + lib/sver.toml -> [default] dependency = ["lib/:prof1","lib/:prof2"], [prof1] dependency = ["test1.txt"], [prof2] dependency = ["test2.txt"]
fn multiprofile_singledir() {

    // setup
    let repo = setup_test_repository();
    add_blob(&repo, "test1.txt", "hello".as_bytes());
    add_blob(&repo, "test2.txt", "world".as_bytes());
        dependencies = [

        dependencies = [

        dependencies = [
    commit(&repo, "setup");

    // default
        let sver_repo = SverRepository::new(&calc_target_path(&repo, "lib")).unwrap();

        // exercise
        let sources = sver_repo.list_sources().unwrap();
        let version = sver_repo.calc_version().unwrap();

        // verify
            vec!["lib/sver.toml", "test1.txt", "test2.txt"]

Thank you for your report.
This is a bug, so I fixed it in #63.

However, the hash value has changed from the test case you reported.
No problems?

kna commented

Thank you for fixing this so quickly!

I forgot that the hash(1a994876a6b773a73dd08ba8f176257f62ed9e95b5f034238c42da9702115ffe) was invalid because I couldn't calculate it.
Please update it.

#63 merged.