
Problem with concurrence

AntonioCastroRuiz opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi me and a partner have been using your ProxyServlet to do a proyect and we had a problem with concurrence. This problem was that when we did simultaneuos request to the same instance of your ProxyServlet the information of the Service's HttpServletRequest was overwritten. We fixed it sychronizing service method. I hope you find this useful and thanks for this ProxyServlet.

Wow that's bizarre. What servlet engine are you using -- might that be the culprit? The concurrency of the servlet is largely delegated to the library the servlet uses -- Apache HttpClient, which to the best of my knowledge is thread-safe.

Please mention which proxy servlet version & httpclient version as well.

We are using 1.10 version of ProxyServlet and the class HttpClient version 4.5.3

Hi, are there any updates on that issue? We are having a similar issue, but unfortunately it is hard to reproduce.