
Importing Atomic tests with comments spanning multiple lines

macmiranda opened this issue · 3 comments

What problem are you trying to solve? Please describe.

Any ideas on how to solve the known issue of importing Atomic tests with comments spanning multiple lines, such as Here-Strings?

The ideal solution: What should the feature should do?

transparent compatibility between both projects

What category of feature is this?

  • UI/UX
  • API
  • Other

  • Willing to submit a pull request to implement this feature?

Thank you!

Hi @macmiranda, apologies for the delay. CALDERA ability commands were not originally designed to handle comments, hence why we've marked it as a known issue for the atomic plugin. Improving compatibility would definitely be helpful between the atomic repo and CALDERA functionality. I have potential ideas for fixes in mind, and I will let you know once a PR is in place. Thank you again for your patience and for using our tool!

This PR is currently in review and should address the comment issue: #26

Stepping in for @uruwhy , the PR has been merged, if the issue persists please re-open this ticket or feel free to create a new one -- thanks!