
Incorrect domain role condition

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Some controls may have an incorrect domain role condition. For example, in V-73495, the check text states:

This applies to member servers. For domain controllers and standalone systems, this is NA.

So the code should be:

  domain_role = command('wmic computersystem get domainrole | Findstr /v DomainRole').stdout.strip

  if !(domain_role == '3')
    impact 0.0
    describe 'This control is not applicable as it only applies to member servers.' do
      skip 'This control is not applicable as it only applies to member servers.'
    describe registry_key('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\System') do
      it { should have_property 'LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy' }
      its('LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy') { should cmp 0 }

Reference for domain role values

Thanks @damif5 for catching this!