
Export secrets not working in firefox

Opened this issue · 4 comments


When I get to that page in Firefox there is an export button and no secrets listed. And clicking the export button does nothing.

In Chrome the same page has a big list of secrets to export, and clicking export processes the list and provides a download.

Firefox 37.0 with Mitro Add-on 0.10.58

Hello gregswift.

Thank you very much for your feedback.

I have confirmed the same issue on Firefox 37.0/Windows 7 with Mitro Add-on 0.10.58.

Firefox 32 and later versions contain the latest security patches, which break some functions of Mitro.

I am investigating the issue caused by the latest security patches of Firefox 32 and later versions.

I've confirmed this same issue on Firefox 39.0/Mac 10.9.5 with Add-on v0.10.58

Confirmed on Firefox 39 with Ubuntu 14.04. With Mitro closing on Aug 31, a fix is required to port the secrets from Mitro

everyone's best bet is to just install chrome to export. i dont forsee them getting around to this