
Twitter Streaming API aggregator.

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Twitter Streaming API aggregator.


gem install agharta


agharta execute example/stream.rb # execute stream recipe example
agharta cat example/stream.rb     # show stream recipe example
agharta user:add                  # add new twitter account to configuration
agharta user:default              # change default twitter account
agharta user:list                 # show twitter account list
agharta edit stream.rb            # edit new your stream recipe
agharta cat stream.rb             # show your stream recipe
agharta execute stream.rb         # execute your stream recipe
agharta console                   # start recipe context console

Your can write recipe in $HOME/.agharta/recipes.

stream {
  # account configuration
  credentials :mitukiii

  # account configuration
  # set :consumer_key, …
  # set :consumer_secret, …
  # set :oauth_token, …
  # set :oauth_token_secret, …

  # account configuration
  # set {
  #   :consumer_key => …,
  #   :consumer_secret => …,
  #   :oauth_token => …,
  #   :oauth_token_secret => …,
  # }

  # receive all replies
  # params[:replies] = :all

  # receive messages by followings
  # params[:with] = :followings

  # push & log keyword
  keyword {
    include 'mitukiii'
    exclude /^.*(RT|QT):? @[\w]+.*$/i
    notify :im_kayac
    log 'keyword.log'

  # all tweets save to fluent
  user {
    store :fluentd, 'timeline', :host => 'localhost', :port => 24224
    log STDOUT
    log 'user.log'

  # push & log @twitter tweets
  user(:twitter) {
    notify :im_kayac
    log 'twitter.log'

  # push & log event
  event {
    on :reply, :retweet, :direct_message, :favorite, :follow, :list_member_added, :list_user_subscribed
    notify :im_kayac
    log 'event.log'

You can also write.

require 'agharta'

recipe = Agharta.new

recipe.stream {
  # do something...


Zsh Completion

You can use zsh completion.
Put _agharta file to zsh functions directory.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Copyright (c) 2013 Kazuya Takeshima. See LICENSE for details.