
Build instructions or pre-build hex-file?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Would it be possible to either provide build instructions for translating asm to hex, or like in some other of your project, provide the hex-file?

I've tried to build with avra ( without much progress. :/

avrasm2 is the assembler I used, the official one from atmel. It comes with AVR studio (you can download an old version if you don't want the many-gigabyte bloated current version). Or find a copy of avrasm2.exe on the web (just a few hundred kb).

There's some discussion on using it here: mitxela/kiloboot#2

I will add a hex file at some point when I get a chance.


I was able to build it with avrasm2.exe -I include/ SynthCable.asm -fI -o SynthCable.hex. Sent a pull request with the hex-file.