
A Constructor for date/time formatting

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DateTime Script

Customize output for a javascript Date object


npm install datetime-js


var DateTime = require('datetime-js')
var dateObj = new Date()

DateTime(dateObj, 'The date is %m-%d-%Y');
//-> The date is 02-14-2014

DateTime(dateObj, 'Time Now: %h:%i %AMPM');
//-> Time Now: 04:45 PM

DateTime(dateObj, 'Today is the %d:o day of %M');
//-> Today is the 25th day of August

JSFiddle Examples

Format options


Format Description Value Examples
%m Month in number 01 - 12
%M Full month name January - December
%M:s Month in shorthand Jan - Dec


Format Description Value Examples
%d Day of the month 01 - 31
%D Day of the week Monday - Sunday
%D:s Day of the week shorthand Mon - Sun
%d:o Day of the month with ordinal suffix 1st 2nd 3rd 4th . . .


Format Description Value Examples
%Y Year in full format 2019
%Y:r Year in Roman numeral format MMXIX
%y Year in shorthand 19


Format Description Value Examples
%h 12-hour format 1 - 12
%H 24-hour format 00 - 23
%i Minutes 0 - 59
%s Seconds 0 - 59
%ampm am/pm lowercase am pm
%AMPM am/pm uppercase AM PM
%AmPm am/pm capitalized Am Pm