
Dropdown menu support

Wirone opened this issue ยท 3 comments

I would like to put "Explore" dropdown menu item with:

  • Categories
  • Series
  • Tags

so instead 3 items in top menu I could have 1, with expandable list.

Right now it's not possible out-of-the-box. Is it something that you consider to add to this theme?

I'm actually planning to re-design the entire layout that does have a dropdown navigator showing up on a mobile device. But I'm currently working on other projects so not sure when to get it done. ๐Ÿ˜ž

@mivinci not a problem, actually I had to switch to different theme because of multiple problems related to i18n. Too many layouts had to be overridden and in the end translated taxonomies did not work ๐Ÿ˜“ I am building site with 2 languages on different domains and I wanted to have i18n URLs too (like categories for EN and kategorie for PL). Couldn't get it to work with your theme, tried multiple different approaches but none of them worked out. After switching to PaperMod it just started working with only 1 slight change on my side.

Thank you very much for your work and responses ๐Ÿบ

It's Okay. Papermod is like the state of art. I started building Minima just for my own needs so it's not that fully functional. Thanks for finding the bug ๐Ÿ˜