How to add a custom token inside a block token?
MilyMilo opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Hi! Sorry if this is a silly question - I've just started using mistletoe today! (I really like the interface, thank you for your work!)
I'd like to implement an [embed]: (file.txt)
token, which will read the file and include it inline.
I have code like this:
class Embed(SpanToken):
parse_inner = False
pattern = re.compile(r"\[embed\]\s*:?\s*#?\s*\((.*)\)")
def __init__(self, match):
self.include_path =
class WriteupRenderer(HtmlRenderer):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super().__init__(Embed, **kwargs)
def render_embed(self, token: Embed):
# will read and output the file contents
The only issue is that most of my embeds live inside code blocks or code fences like:
`code with [embed]: (./shell64.s)`
Which results in markup that's expected to me now, but I'd like to change this behaviour:
<p><code>code with [embed]: (./shell64.s)</code></p>
(My embed tokens work fine outside of code blocks and fences)
From what I could see, the CodeBlock does not parse inner tokens, how to go about implementing this? Is it possible without re-creating too many tokens / blocks?
Hi @MilyMilo, it is certainly possible to make custom tokens for fenced code blocks and for code spans with the behavior that you want, but I believe it's going to be a lot of work.
The embedding feature you want would probably be easier to build as a pre-processing step, working on the raw text input. That would also make sense from a conceptual point of view, imho.
Maybe you could use a cusomized parser which only recognizes paragraphs and links in that first step ๐
Hi @MilyMilo, as @anderskaplan writes, it would probably make sense to do the embedding as a pre-processing step - i.e. before calling mistletoe?
Or, I think you could alternatively try just to override the corresponding HtmlRenderer
's render methods like this (schematically):
def render_inline_code(self, token: span_token.InlineCode) -> str:
# TODO: embed chunks inside token.children[0].content
return super().render_inline_code(token)
# ...
def render_block_code(self, token: block_token.BlockCode) -> str:
# TODO: embed chunks inside token.children[0].content (the same as above => call a shared helper method)
return super().render_block_code(token)
What do you think?
Thank you @pbodnar and @anderskaplan for pointers!
As both of you mentioned - this is currently implemented in preprocessing. We just have a regex to do that, however doesn't feel very clean and robust. That's why I wanted to use mistletoe to improve this.
I'll check if there's a nice way to get it working and post the code here if I end-up implementing this.