
Unpkg CDN down ?

rdksgit opened this issue ยท 25 comments

Unable to load any cdn files for vue and primevue, anyone else having the same issue ?

I experienced the same. The package I used from unpkg shows error 520

same here

erkkki commented


My temporary solution is to use jsdelivr, You may find the package you used there and switch.


maxxer commented

Stop spamming with same and use +1 instead, and leave comments for RELEVANT UPDATES

the previous post from 2nd of april already mentioned it. I switched to cdnjs swiper like he mentioned and worked like a charm.

it fixed!

maxxer commented

the previous post from 2nd of april already mentioned it. I switched to cdnjs swiper like he mentioned and worked like a charm.

What post?

I've raised an issue on our internal JIRA - "why the hell are we using external unreliable dependencies, move internal"

Can't load: https://unpkg.com/@webpixels/css@1.1.5/
It was working perfectly fine...

Kaspik commented

CDN is down.

Will come back again or is permanent?

Any way of using styles locally, like Boostrap? This is a very critical issue that affects everything in production basically...

changed to jsdelivr. goodbye!

jimaek commented

Consider switching to a production focused CDN https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/react@18/umd/react.production.min.js

Tool for easy conversion https://www.jsdelivr.com/unpkg

480 commented

Incomplete but quick fix

https://unpkg.com/ -> https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/

Complete fix

Use https://www.jsdelivr.com/unpkg with the unpkg URL you're using to get the result.


error 520 when using babel: https://unpkg.com/@babel/standalone/babel.min.js

switching to jsdelivr is ok

480 commented

Seems to be happening on some but not all files.

Full version omitted: https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.global.prod.js -> Error.
Full version stated: https://unpkg.com/vue@3.4.21/dist/vue.global.js -> OK.

Some JavaScript files are served as text/html which causes them to fail (e.g. Ruffle's Website Package).

EDIT: Well, they're text/html because they're HTTP 520.

EDIT2: jsDelivr works, although the Ruffle project still relies on Unpkg officially.

the previous post from 2nd of april already mentioned it. I switched to cdnjs swiper like he mentioned and worked like a charm.

What post?

this one

In my case, the unpkg.com still responding HTTP 520 Status errors.
I temporary fixed changing this URL: https://unpkg.com/loadjs@latest/dist/loadjs.min.js
To that URL: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/loadjs/4.3.0/loadjs.min.js

It works for me again now.

It's working now