
Problem about theano 0.9.0

Qurey opened this issue · 1 comments

Qurey commented

I installed lasagne 0.1 and theano 0.9 at first, but it doesn't work
ImportError: Could not import Theano. Please make sure you install a recent enough version of Theano.
Then I installed lasagne 0.2.dev1 and theano 1 instead but theano.sandbox.cuda.dnn is discarded in theano 1(like #3 )
import similarityNet File "./nets/similarityNet.py", line 6, in <module> if lasagne.utils.theano.sandbox.cuda.dnn_available(): # when cuDNN available AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'cuda'
@mjiUST could U help me? thanks

I updated the installEnv.sh few days ago. Could you try that script and let's see whether the problems are solved?

If the installation stops, you can try source ~/.bashrc OR open a new terminal OR source activate SurfaceNet