- 1
Why mix the style of functions and phrases?
#66 opened by 0-issue - 2
- 1
How to configure with vim?
#68 opened by coolaj86 - 1
support placeholder
#67 opened by shenyifu - 0
NPM package / vscode support?
#65 opened by tonyxiao - 0
- 0
[Feature request] Publish on homebrew
#63 opened by Hritik14 - 2
module declares its path as: but was required as:
#60 opened by shtrom - 4
- 0
SQL format failed
#58 opened by cposture - 2
New release?
#57 opened by croaky - 1
- 1
SQL Standard syntax for Identity Column (as implemented by Postgres 10+) causes error
#40 opened by frou - 2
Broken interval for Postgres
#55 opened by devNoiseConsulting - 5
WITH RECURSIVE not implemented
#42 opened by patrickgaskill - 0
Support for gopherjs
#54 opened by buremba - 1
Purpose: SQL or CockroachDB-flavored SQL?
#53 opened by pauldraper - 2
- 2
#52 opened by jawj - 0
row is removed
#49 opened by maddyblue - 0
switch to post
#48 opened by maddyblue - 0
share links should override auto-paste
#47 opened by maddyblue - 0
CREATE FUNCTION not implemented
#44 opened by brandonkal - 0
try to reduce binary size
#43 opened by maddyblue - 5
- 1
Formatting JSON string
#39 opened by erikfroseth - 5
- 1
- 0
consider supporting colorizing the output
#38 opened by maddyblue - 0
- 4
Missing dependency or improved docs?
#34 opened by AndrewGrossman - 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
create table as extra space before AS
#24 opened by maddyblue - 1
create table as broke again
#29 opened by maddyblue - 0
create view
#30 opened by maddyblue - 0
- 0
CREATE TABLE AS has an extra space
#26 opened by maddyblue - 0
NULLIF doesn't format
#28 opened by maddyblue - 0
link this cuz it's funny
#27 opened by maddyblue - 9
- 0
now() badly formats
#20 opened by maddyblue - 0
constraint name removed on primary key
#21 opened by maddyblue - 0
ugly equal sign
#22 opened by BramGruneir - 2
hard code a tab at start of union all
#13 opened by maddyblue - 2
go build fails with undefined yaccpar things
#14 opened by rmloveland - 4
option for preceeding commas please
#10 opened by BramGruneir - 1
Great (horrible) test query
#11 opened by BramGruneir - 0