In the segmentation resuslt is 0 forground or background?
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Hi, I am looking at the "small example" you have put in your file
seeds[:3,0] = 1 # According to your documentation 1 is FG
seeds[:3,4] = 2 # According to your documentation 2 is BG
Yet the segmentation result is:
[[0 0 0 1 1]
[0 0 0 1 1]
[0 0 0 1 1]
[1 1 1 1 1]
[1 1 1 1 1]]
So where seed =1, the segmentation result is 0 and where seed=2, the segmentation result is 1!!!
This is confusing me. Can you please explain?
Yes, you are right. It is confusing :-(
The original idea was to keep the order of seeds compatible with the order of output labels. In the future, there can be multilabel segmentation. So there might be more seeds used. For now, seeds 3 and 4 are used as hard links with no effect on the intensity model preparation.
Maybe I should add 1 to the output to make it more clear. What do you think?
Hi Miro
thanks for your reply. I think for now no change is needed in the code - as long as you update your where besides explaining "what do the seeds mean", you also highlight that in current segmentation output, 0 stands for FG and 1 stands for BG.
Thanks for the feedback. The is updated.