
HA error logs.

shthfuup opened this issue · 6 comments


This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.duke_energy_gateway
Source: custom_components/duke_energy_gateway/init.py:107
Integration: Duke Energy Gateway (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 12:06:23 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:06:23 PM

Could not identify a smart meter on your account with gateway access.

I configured the gateway earlier today and it is showing in the app as configured and online. I am able to access data real time via the Duke Energy app.

Screenshot_20210921-124255_Duke Energy

Note: When logging into the Duke Energy website; I see an old account (no longer active) along with the existing one that is in use and connected to the gateway.

Any advice on how I may be able to resolve this?
Thank you so much for all your efforts on this project!!

What version of the HACS integration are you using? There were issues with the case you mention where you have an old inactive account on older versions. v0.0.9 is the latest.

If you are running the latest then the easiest way to debug these issues is to pull the debug logs from HA, which requires adding this to your configuration.yaml

  default: info
    custom_components.duke_energy_gateway: debug

Thank you for replying so quickly. Here are my versions for both HACs and HA.


I added the logging code you provided and here's that output...

Thanks, that's really helpful. I see the issue and I'll fix it today and get a new version pushed to HACS.

Thank you SO much, I am truly indebted to you for this.

I just released a new version v0.0.10. You can get the update by refreshing info in HACS and then restarting HA.

I believe this should fix your issue but I don't have the exact scenario so I can't test it myself.

Thank you Mike! It fixed it perfectly, once updated, a new entity showed up.

Your talents are exceptional - thank you again,