DISCLAIMER: project is still in development stage, I try to keep master branch as updated and functional as possible.
- ROS Kinetic
- PCL 1.8
- Opencv 2
- Python 2.7
- Numpy
- cv2
- TensorFlow
- Keras
|-> tf_emitter
|-> segmentationNode
|-> classifierNode
|-> RViz
`-> pcd_to_pointcloud
- publishes world frame for RViz
- publishes all the segmented clouds to /pcVector
- subscribes /pcVector and classifies every segmented pointcloud using 3DCNN and publishes bounding boxes as MarkerArray
- used for visualization
- to publish scenes for testing
/bin - contains .pcd scenes which are broadcasted
├── apple_1
| |── apple_2_4_9.pcd
| .
| `── apple_2_1_111.pcd
├── banana_1
| |── banana_1_4_6.pcd
| .
| `── banana_1_4_80.pcd
├── bowl_1
| |── bowl_2_1_9.pcd
| .
| `── bowl_3_4_119.pcd
├── calculator_1
| |── calculator_2_1_2.pcd
| .
| `── calculator_3_2_138.pcd
└── coffee_mug_1
|── coffee_mug_3_4_6.pcd
`── coffee_mug_3_4_83.pcd
rosrun robot_vision trainer.py
roslaunch robot_vision robot_vision3.launch