
The cob_common stack hosts common packages that are used within the Care-O-bot repository. E.g. utility packages or common message and service definitions etc. Also the urdf desciption of the robot is located in this stack.

Primary LanguagePython


ROS Distro Support

Indigo Jade Kinetic
Branch indigo_dev indigo_dev indigo_dev
Status supported not supported supported
Version version version version

Travis - Continuous Integration

Status: Build Status

ROS Buildfarm

Indigo Source Indigo Debian Jade Source Jade Debian Kinetic Source Kinetic Debian
cob_common not released not released not released not released not released not released

This is a repository for Care-O-bot URDF macros and common message/service descriptions.

Installation instructions and tutorials can be found at http://www.care-o-bot.org.