
Custom Programs setting can be used to merge settings

JockeJarre opened this issue · 3 comments

Maybe nice add some lines to the documentation, that it is possible to use the Custom Program feature to join many forms into one:

In the PinVolSettings.ini

Program = displayName:"PinUpMenu",appType:"PinUpMenu",exe:"pinupmenu.exe"
Program = displayName:"PinUpDisplay",appType:"PinUpMenu",exe:"pinupdisplay.exe"

This will make one entry for all active PinUp forms. This way it will stay at the same level for all of them.

Program = displayName:"Not Responding",windowPattern:".*Not Responding.*"

In case a window hangs, all these windows would be saved to one entry in pinvol

Ltek commented

Does this go in the INI? I dont have any lines that start with 'Program'?

Yes it goes into PinVolSettings.ini

Check the documentation at http://mjrnet.org/pinscape/PinVol.html under Custom programs

Ltek commented

@JockeJarre thank you, works really well!