Improve deployment process
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Thanks for this awesome tool in rust.
unfortunately I could not use it. Been working on installation by all given means but nothing worked for me.
my preferred way is docker, I tried given commands
docker pull mkaczanowski/pastebin:latest
docker run mkaczanowski/pastebin --address localhost --port 8000
but I couldn't visit localhost:8000
neither in browser nor via curl.
I also tried opening ports like
docker run -p 8000:8000 --detach --name pastebin mkaczanowski/pastebin --address localhost --port 8000
The container runs, but can't connect to server anyhow. there are no logs in server console, just normal rocket stuff:
❯ docker logs ecffb
Configured for production.
=> address: localhost
=> port: 8000
=> log: normal
=> workers: 8
=> secret key: generated
=> limits: forms = 32KiB
=> keep-alive: 5s
=> tls: disabled
Warning: environment is 'production', but no `secret_key` is configured
Mounting /:
=> GET / (index)
=> POST /?<lang>&<ttl>&<burn>&<encrypted> (create)
=> DELETE /<id> (remove)
=> GET /<id>?<lang> (get)
=> GET /new?<id>&<level>&<msg>&<glyph>&<url> (get_new)
=> GET /raw/<id> (get_raw)
=> GET /download/<id> (get_binary)
=> GET /static/<resource> (get_static)
Rocket has launched from http://localhost:8000
The local build was taking too long as I don't really have a powerful PC.
Can you check if docker commands given in readme needs to be fixed? also it will be helpful if you release the binaries on github as well so that I can just download the binary execute it without worrying any build/installation process.
you need to specify the network (where to bind the port to):
docker run --network host mkaczanowski/pastebin --address localhost --port 8000
^^ that should work for you
+1 adding network fixed the issue.
PS: do you have any plans for upgrading to latest rocket version (upcoming 0.5) which runs on stable rust. I tried making quick changes but it was not easy.
do you have any plans for upgrading to latest rocket version (upcoming 0.5) which runs on stable rust
tbh I haven't looked at this yet, maybe on weekend 👍