
Unauthorized Error

bigkage opened this issue · 3 comments

Thanks for writing this. I tried your sample code and got the following error:

Error in init_oauth1.0(self$endpoint, self$app, permission = self$params$permission,  : 
  Unauthorized (HTTP 401).

Any insight into this?

Before using the function you have to declare your Twitter API credentials. Check out this page for further instructions:

Worked perfectly for me.

Yeah, this inconvenience was due to a recent action taken by Twitter. There's documentation for setting up your access token and saving it as an environment variable (like @selopab's link, which looks good to me).

rtweet vignette

Step by step instructions on creating and saving Twitter token:

R: Collecting and analyzing Twitter data slides

Some recent slides I used, which includes step by step instructions on creating and saving Twitter token:

Worked great. Thanks!