
Error: Missing the following variables: user_id, screen_name, account_created_at, profile_background_url, profile_banner_url, profile_expanded_url, place_full_name, reply_to_status_id, media_type, hashtags, urls_expanded_url, media_expanded_url, ext_media_expanded_url, mentions_user_id, profile_image_url, account_created_at, is_retweet, is_quote, statuses_count, followers_count, friends_count, favourites_count, verified

weiaiwayne opened this issue · 7 comments

Trying to use predict_bot() but got the following error:

Error: Missing the following variables: user_id, screen_name, account_created_at, profile_background_url, profile_banner_url, profile_expanded_url, place_full_name, reply_to_status_id, media_type, hashtags, urls_expanded_url, media_expanded_url, ext_media_expanded_url, mentions_user_id, profile_image_url, account_created_at, is_retweet, is_quote, statuses_count, followers_count, friends_count, favourites_count, verified

The data frame returned from the latest version of rtweet seems different from the output from the older version (some columns are nested). Does it have anything to do with the error?

Thank you for creating an issue on {tweetbotornot}! I appreciate the feedback!

I am getting this same error about missing variables. Is there any solution? Thanks.

issue is with model tweetbotornot_xgb_model call:

twtdat <- rtweet::get_timelines("kearneymw", n = 100, check = FALSE)
"user_id, screen_name, account_created_at, profile_background_url, profile_banner_url, profile_expanded_url, place_full_name, reply_to_status_id, media_type, hashtags, urls_expanded_url, media_expanded_url, ext_media_expanded_url, mentions_user_id, profile_image_url, account_created_at, is_retweet, is_quote, statuses_count, followers_count, friends_count, favourites_count, verified" |> 
stringr::str_split(pattern = ", ")  |> unlist() -> bot_nms
bot_nms[!bot_nms %in% names(twtdat) ]

"user_id" "screen_name" "account_created_at" "profile_background_url" "profile_banner_url" "profile_expanded_url" "place_full_name" "reply_to_status_id" "media_type" "hashtags" "urls_expanded_url" "media_expanded_url" "ext_media_expanded_url" "mentions_user_id" "profile_image_url" "account_created_at" "is_retweet" "is_quote" "statuses_count" "followers_count" "friends_count" "favourites_count" "verified"

Hello, I am getting the same issue. Does anybody have a solution for this?

I got this error when running tweetbotornot2 on a server or within a docker image. I believe the error has to do with the script not being able to retrieve twitter data. It works for me if I run it on a local machine, rather than on server/docker.

I got this error when running tweetbotornot2 on a server or within a docker image. I believe the error has to do with the script not being able to retrieve twitter data. It works for me if I run it on a local machine, rather than on server/docker.

Thank you for replying!!! Do you mind explaining more about how you run this on a local machine? Do you just collect all the data and store it locally?