Azure pipelines Install module -Force
Closed this issue · 3 comments
When installing the current version during Azure Pipelines release, it's necessary to use the -Force parameter:
Install-PackageProvider -Name PSTwitterAPI -Force -Scope CurrentUser
The build server is stateless so the module hasn't been installed before.
In this case, -Force along with no previous module installation, results in the error:
During module import on Exporting function Set-TwitterOAuthSettings
"No OAuthSettings was found. Use 'Set-TwitterOAuthSettings' to set PSTwitterAPI ApiKey & Token."
Could you remove the throw on the next update so that it's possible to use the PS Gallery version again?
Otherwise the module is fantastic... saved me a tonne of time - thanks :)
Please make the appropriate PR changes and I’ll merge in.
Great - will do thanks!
#35 resolved