
v1.0.0 release candidates

mkenney opened this issue · 6 comments

In preparation for a v1 release, I will reference any issues that come up here to act as a change log (not a discussion thread). To that end, RC1 is up (#98) and will be merged into master and tagged today unless feedback or reviews posted there necessitate changes.

Please feel free to post any feedback you may have on this (and future) pull requests, or open a new issue if you find a problem. Thank you!

A pull request for RC1 is up (#98) and will be merged into master and tagged today unless feedback or reviews posted there necessitate changes.

#98 has been merged and v1.0.0-rc1 has been tagged. Please report any issues you have.

v1.0.0-rc2 has been released.

  • Fixes an issue with zombie listen process
  • Fixes an issue with zombie stop process
  • Adds test coverage for socket timeouts

Please report any issues.

v1.0.0-rc3 has been released.

  • Fixes an issue with changes to the upstream errors package.

Please report any issues.

v1.0.0-rc4 has been released.

  • Replace logging package
  • Various log cleanup

Please report any issues.

closing, not really useful for tracking