Dark mode not available
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Sadly, this is unsolved problem. Speech Note'UI is having trouble with Dark themes when used on desktop environments other than KDE Plasma. Under KDE Plasma the Dark theme works flawlessly. The problems start when you use any other DEs. On GNOME Dark theme partially works when "Graphical style" is set to "org.kde.desktop", but "partially" means that some parts of UI are still rendered in Light theme which makes the unreadable :/
I'm not sure what's causing this problem, but I think Flatpak might be playing a role somehow. It looks like other KDE apps on Flathub have similar issues when running under GNOME in Dark theme mode. I suspect that "isolation" provided by Flatpak's sandboxing somehow breaks theming...
@atomikaya Thanks for the info. Perhaps I should set "Fusion" as a default for non-KDE desktops.