
Unable to Connect to Dropbear SSH Server

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Unable to Connect to Dropbear SSH Server

I am facing an issue where the Dropbear SSH server does not permit client connections, despite the absence of errors in the logs.

Server Output:

$ ./dropbear -F -r /data/data/com.package/anopenssh/key/dropbear_rsa_key -p 22441 -s
[16624] Sep 21 08:27:26 Not backgrounding
[16672] Sep 21 08:27:35 Child connection from

Client Output:

$ ssh -p 22441 u0_a1033@
The authenticity of host '[]:22441 ([]:22441)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:ZcdNEwL9vtVVPfOa1r26znukBFzaOFR/3xSbMUvcWMk.
This key is not known by any other names.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[]:22441' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Connection closed by port 22441


  • Dropbear version: v2024.85
  • Operating System: Android 10 (rootless)
  • kernel version: Liunx 4.14.141+
  • Compilation environment: Termux (rootless)
  • Server: Android terminal emulator (rootless)
  • Client: Android Termux (rootless)

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Start Dropbear server with the command: ./dropbear -F -r /data/data/com.package/anopenssh/key/dropbear_rsa_key -p 22441 -s
  2. Attempt to connect from the client using: ssh -p 22441 u0_a1033@

Expected Behavior: The client should successfully connect to the Dropbear server.

Actual Behavior: The connection is immediately closed after authentication.