
Ansi to Unicode conversion error (noob)

oza4h07 opened this issue · 9 comments

I'm completely new to pyodbc.
I've got an "Ansi to Unicode conversion error" when running a script.

Client Environment

  • Python 3.9.2
  • pyodbc 4.0.30
  • OS Debian 11.9
  • driver:
  • unixodbc: 2.3.6

Server Environment

  • DB server: MySQL 5.5.28


$ cat

import pyodbc

DSN = 'mydsn'
cx = pyodbc.connect(f'DSN={DSN};charset=utf8')
cx.setdecoding(pyodbc.SQL_CHAR, encoding='utf-8')
cx.setdecoding(pyodbc.SQL_WCHAR, encoding='utf-8')

cursor = cx.cursor()
cursor.execute("select credit from FOO")

When executing, I've got:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/", line 14, in <module>
    cursor.execute("select credit from FOO")
pyodbc.Error: ('HY000', '[HY000] [ma-3.1.9][5.5.28]Ansi to Unicode conversion error occurred (95) (SQLDescribeCol)')

If I comment the last "cursor.execute" line, the script runs fine.
I've read the wiki pages but do not understand much of it, though doc seems complete and well written. - That's the MariaDB ODBC driver, correct?

Also, an ODBC trace log might be helpful.

Yes it is: client uses MariaDB connector and server is a (rather old) MySQL instance.

As I can't change much in this environment, I would like to leave current drivers untouched to only edit above script source code, if possible.

My understanding of setencoding or setdecoding is really minimal to say the least: I copied/pasted these lines from examples found on the net.

I added ODBC trace logging on client host and got several similar errors, the first one being (I redacted database name)

Connection = 0xdc6220
Window Hdl = (nil)
Str In = [DSN=FOOBAR;charset=utf8][length = 35 (SQL_NTS)]
Str Out = (nil)
Str Out Max = 0
Str Out Ptr = (nil)
Completion = 0
UNICODE Using encoding ASCII 'UTF-8' and UNICODE 'UCS-2LE'


Your initial error message says the error occured (in the driver) at SQLDescribeCol but your latest comment references SQLDriverConnectW. Which one is it?

In any case, this seems like a mismatch between what the driver thinks the current narrow encoding should be, and what you've given it.

There are serveral errors in ODBC trace: I randomly picked one of them.
Please, find a different one

			Statement = 0xe3f7f0
			Column Number = 1
			Column Name = 0x7ffe1e6987a0
			Buffer Length = 300
			Name Length = 0x7ffe1e698790
			Data Type = 0x7ffe1e698792
			Column Size = 0x7ffe1e698798
			Decimal Digits = 0x7ffe1e698794
			Nullable = 0x7ffe1e698796
		DIAG [HY000] [ma-3.1.9][5.5.28]Ansi to Unicode conversion error occurred

If you think the error comes from a driver issue that cannot be worked around in python script, please do not hesitate to close this issue as my environment is probably too specific.

If you comment out the lines

# cx.setdecoding(pyodbc.SQL_CHAR, encoding='utf-8')
# cx.setdecoding(pyodbc.SQL_WCHAR, encoding='utf-8')
# cx.setencoding(encoding='utf-8')

do you still get an error? If so, is it the same error?

After commenting those 3 lines (and leaving "cx = pyodbc.connect(f'DSN={DSN};charset=utf8')" unchanged, error becomes:

pyodbc.DataError: ('22018', '[22018] [ma-3.1.9][5.5.28]Invalid character value for cast specification (0) (SQLExecDirectW)')

Try using PyMySQL and see if it works better for you.

With a different query and PyMySQL, I could successfully get a response.

Immediately, I'll try to adapt to PyMySQL to get what I need.
In the long run, I'll ask people in charge to update DB server to a recent version before testing anew with pyodbc.

Thank you all for your help