
Archive 2023-10 Analysis for HOPE cohort

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HOPE cohort analysis

Module authors: Komal S. Rathi, Zhuangzhuang Geng, Jo Lynne Rokita

Run the script on docker

To pull the docker image, run the command line:

docker pull pgc-images.sbgenomics.com/zhuangzhuanggeng/d3b_hope_analysis:latest

To run the docker, run the command line below. For mac M1 user, add --platform=linux/arm64.

docker run -d -e PASSWORD=pass -p 8787:8787 --name <CONTAINER_NAME> -v $PWD:/home/rstudio/HOPE pgc-images.sbgenomics.com/zhuangzhuanggeng/d3b_hope_analysis:latest


├── alt-analysis
├── data-availability
├── master-annotation
├── merge-files
├── molecular-subtyping-HGG
├── msi-sensor-analysis
├── oncoplots
├── survival-analysis
└── tp53_nf1_score
  1. data-availability: This module has scripts to create data availability plots.
  2. merge-files: This module has scripts to merge files obtained from cavatica i.e. RSEM gene expression, Consensus MAF, ControlFREEC, Fusions which are then filtered and annotated.
  3. master-annotation: This module combines various sources of information from the HOPE group into one single tsv file for downstream analyses.
  4. msi-sensor-analysis: Downstream analyses with MSISensor pro outputs.
  5. oncoplots: This module has scripts to create oncoplots and cascade plots. Reference files and genelists were obtained from PNOC003
  6. survival-analysis: This module has scripts to do survival analysis with ALT status and molecular subtypes.
  7. alt-analysis: Downstream analyses with ALT status.
  8. tmb-calculation: Adapted from OpenPedCan-anaysis