
Random Big Number

Closed this issue · 2 comments

It would be great if you could get a random big number.

Below are my proposed function stubs

//: Generate a BInt between 0 and `upperBound`
public func random(upperBound: BInt) -> BInt
//: Generate a BInt between low and high
public func random(low: BInt, high: BInt) -> BInt

//: Generate a BDouble between 0 and upperBound
public func random(upperBound: BDouble) -> BDouble
//: Generate a BDouble between low and high
public func random(low: BDouble, high: BDouble) -> BDouble

class BInt {
     //: Generate a BInt between 0 and `upperBound`
    class public func random(upperBound: BInt) -> BInt
    //: Generate a BInt between low and high
    class public func random(low: BInt, high: BInt) -> BInt

class BDouble {
     //: Generate a random DBouble between 0 and 1
     class public func random() -> BDouble
    //: Generate a BDouble between 0 and upperBound
    class public func random(upperBound: BDouble) -> BDouble
    //: Generate a BDouble between low and high
    class public func random(low: BDouble, high: BDouble) -> BDouble

Both global and class functions would be available.

Thoughts? Ideas on implementation?

mkrd commented

The class BIntMath already implements "static func randomBInt(bits n: Int) -> BInt". I don't know how to specify upper and lower bounds, but mostly, you don't need big numbers in a specific range, but of a specific size anyways.
In regards to BDouble, I can't think of any application where you would need a random BDouble? I would ignore that for now, and maybe implement it if we find a use case that requires it

Fair enough.

I'm using this library for a game so random numbers are somewhat useful.