
jumpapp fails to find Blender windows

klayman opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm having trouble with switching to already running Blender window. Both WM_CLASS and WM_NAME are Blender, but I get the error Error: found running process for 'blender', but found no window to jump to.

Weird. I'm going to try installing Blender myself and see if I can reproduce.

I can reproduce the issue.

The reason it's not working is that Blender isn't setting the WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property. That property is necessary to match by PID, but it's not necessary to match by WM_CLASS. Unfortuantely there's a bug in jumpapp's logic, where it requires a WM_CLIENT_MACHINE machine to match on WM_CLASS, which again, is a bug in jumpapp.

Let me see if I can put together a fix.

@klayman I pushed a fix for this. It may take an hour or two for the PPA to be updated (if you've installed it that way).

I'm pretty sure it fixes the issue, but give it a try and let me know if it works.

Yes, it works! ) Thank you very much.