
Don't make rolling noises when sending non-rolling character items to the chat

hiddenkrypt opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the bug
Talents, values, focuses, armor and other items don't roll any dice when sent to the chat, but make a dice roll sound effect anyway.

To Reproduce
Open any character sheet. If they don't have a talent, value, focus, armor, or other item, add it, then click the chat button to send the item to chat. Make sure your sound is on and available.

Expected behavior
Such items should be silent, or generate a generic tone to indicate a chat message has come up, such as a star trek computer beep.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: windows, Ubuntu Linux 20
  • Browser Firefox, Chromium
  • Version Foundry Version 9 - Build 269

Additional context
I will be including a fix to this in a upcoming merge request.