
Script error, 32 vs 64 bit?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I installed 64-bit Python, and wound up with this error when running PrusaSlicer and the script:

Failed starting the script "C:\Program Files\PrusaSlicer-2.2.0+win64-202003211145\toolchanger-pspp-master\" "P:\3D Printing\GCode\DtM-v3_0_0.2mm.gcode", Win32 error: 193

Googling the error indicates that it is a 64-bit issue, but I uninstalled 64-bit python, installed 32 bit, and get the same error. Any ideas? Can I get you a debug log that will help?

I had several issues while installing this and documented my faults here:

For your case, try to not install the script in c:/program files/.
Install it somewhere where you have clear permissions like described.
However: When I had the issues with permissions the pyphon error was "Code 2".

No dice- I tried installing the script to several locations and ended up with the same error:

'Failed starting the script C:\Users\laudible\Apps\toolchanger-pspp-master\ "P:\3D Printing\STL\128828-02 FACESHIELD FRAME PNWS B.1 Released_0.2mm.gcode", Win32 error: 193'

I don't have an E3D online account so can't see the larger error images you linked to. Do you have any other ideas? I'm on Win10 x64.

Ok some progress has been made: i switched over to using prusaslicer in Linux. This resulted in a similar permissions error. So i changed the file permissions of the script to 777, which permits everything. This allowed the script to execute! It seems to have run into other errors likely related to the Linux system:
