
Clarify how to conform to NodeRepresentable

acecilia opened this issue · 1 comments

When using paginator with a model, which code comes from the Vapor default implementation, the compiler says:
Type 'Location' does not conform to protocol 'NodeRepresentable'

Then, I make it conform by adding:
extension Location: NodeRepresentable { }

And when running I get a runtime error:

[FluentProvider.FluentModelError: invalidContext(Optional(Node.ObjectContext<Swift.String, Swift.Int>))]
Conform 'FluentProvider.FluentModelError' to Debugging.Debuggable to provide more debug information.

In the end I solved it by conforming to NodeRepresentable this way:

extension Location: NodeRepresentable {
    func makeNode(in context: Context?) throws -> Node {
        return try makeJSON().makeNode(in: context)

Is this the right way to do it? If yes, please clarify it in the readme.

This shouldn't be an issue anymore - feel free to re-open if it is