
Source links

shiffman opened this issue · 2 comments

The source link on this page - -isn't right. @cvalenzuela I'm happy to fix some of these things but not 100% sure best way as #37 is still waiting to be merged?

(Thanks @AlcaDesign for noting this!)

There's a lot of text that says "deeplearn.js" instead of "tenserflow.js," and missing periods at the end of sentences. Other than that, here's some more broken links, (minor) automatically redirected links, specific grammar mistakes, missing links, etc.


  • On the "Getting Started" docs page:

    • (Minor) the "latest version" link is redirected from to automatically.

    • (Minor) the "ml5.min.js" link is redirected from to automatically.

  • On the "Image Classifier" docs page:

    • the "SqueezeNet," "MobileNet," and "original SqueezNet model" links are broken.
  • On the "KNN Image Classifier" docs page:

    • the "ImageClassifier" link is broken.

    • (Minor) the "deeplearn.js KNN image classifier model" link is redirected from to automatically.

    • the "Source" link is broken.

  • On the "LSTM" docs page:

    • the "this set of pretrained models" link is broken.

    • a grammar error in that same sentence: "used" instead of "use."

    • the "Source" link is broken.

  • On the "Style Transfer" docs page:

    • the "this tutorial" link is self-referential, basically broken.

    • (Minor) the "this demo" link is redirected from to automatically.

  • On the "Word2Vec" docs page:

    • the "this tutorial" link is self-referential, basically broken.

    • (Minor) the "Source" link is redirected from to automatically.


  • All other examples except "Multiple Image Classification"

  • On the "Train a LSTM" example page:

    • the "this tutorial" link is self-referential, basically broken.
  • On the "LSTM Interactive" example page:

    • the "this tutorial" link is self-referential, basically broken.
  • On the "Style Transfer" example page:

    • the "this tutorial" link is self-referential, basically broken.

    • the "Udnie (Young American Girl, The Dance), 1913 - Francis Picabia" link is the same as the previous link, which is incorrect.

  • On the "Style Transfer with Webcam" example page:

    • the "this tutorial" link is self-referential, basically broken.

    • the "Udnie (Young American Girl, The Dance), 1913 - Francis Picabia" text is not linked.


Training Models

  • On the "Style Transfer" example page:

    • the "deeplearn.js" and "ml5.js" links is missing its href value, basically broken.
  • On the "Train a LSTM" training models page:

    • (Minor) the "deeplearn.js" link is redirected from to automatically.

    • (Minor) the "ml5.js" text is not linked.

    • the "More detailed instructions here" link is directed to the homepage instead of the "Python Setup" page.

All solved! See ml5js/ml5-website#47