
Add topMargin property in window.$docsify for better layout

alanvww opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi folks, for the current docsify page, there is an issue that when the user uses the section links in the sidebar, the scroll offset is not ideal.
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After some research, there is a option called "topMargin" in docsify can solve this problem.

in index.html

window.$docsify = {
	topMargin: 30,

after this option applied

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Related #68

Thanks, @alanvww! Love it! Feel free to create a PR and we will merge your changes to the main. cc @MOQN

Thanks, @alanvww! Love it! Feel free to create a PR and we will merge your changes to the main. cc @MOQN

Done! Sorry for the reformatting of the files :( I Please use the "ignore whitespace" when reviewing the code.