
Interactive Neural Networks - ml5.js studio

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi all! In ml5.js studio, I'm working on a project called "Interactive Neural Networks" which aims at teaching higher-level concepts as well as fundamental mathematical operations of neural networks through an interactive experience. I plan to create a toy neural network with p5.js that will be more accessible to the community.

Here is my working documentation. In the past weeks, I learned neural networks on my own, with help of the resources that are linked in the documentation. Also, I conducted some interviews to learn about what people are interested in or confused about neural networks, and we did a critique on TensorFlow's neural network playground to see what we can improve to make it more friendly for beginners.

For the following weeks, I will gradually develop the demo in p5js according to this timeline:

  • [week 3/25] Refine the visual design and build the code
  • [week 4/1] Visualize a single perceptron
  • [Week 4/8] Visualize the toy neural network

4/17 will not be the end! I'm very excited about working on this project further. In the future, I want to go beyond a p5.js sketch and integrate the project into the website using React and others. But due to the limited time before our last class, coming up with a working demo in p5.js would be more feasible.

MOQN commented

@XiaozaoWang, let's include this in Learning (or Learn). I will discuss it soon on Friday.