
Future feature wish : control over delivery prices for the sample product

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there,

Firstly, thanks for providing such a brilliant plugin to the WP community! Many thanks! Your efforts are very appreciated.

I've noticed a feature that I think would be great to add to the plugin, if possible (sorry I wouldn't know how to develop this myself and add it to GitHub – I would if I could!). The thing is, that when I use the plugin to make the order sample function available, then I cannot control the price very easily. I use the following flat rates for my products: 'International', 'EU' and 'UK' and I use this plugin to add the EU flat rate as an extra on top of what WooCommerce comes with (standard 'flat rate' and 'international'). Anyway, although I've set a Shipping Class specifically for the Sample Product, it only applies to one of the delivery rates (usually the flat rate), which means that people in the UK can have a discounted price for the sample, whereas people in the EU and internationally will have to pay full whack (which is more as the products are heavier when not samples). Hope that makes sense?

Do you see any way in which to make it possible to either remove all delivery rates only on the Product Sample OR to overwrite the rates only in this case?




I'm not the developer of this plug in, here is a link to the profile of the developer :)

Hi ashzilla,

Thanks for your response. However, isn't it correct what I've done? As far as I can see, I've posted it as an 'issue' to the 'woocommerce-product-samples' project created by mladjom, and he will therefore also be notified automatically about this. Please correct me if I'm wrong, and again, thanks for taking the time to respond.



Hey Jonas,

Thats a good point and I have no idea :)