- ak-ty
- amandeepjutlaNew York
- CompilerBianUniversity of Michigan
- doctorwk007
- ferreram
- flluoShanghai, China
- frontwRaccoonLab
- GerardoHH
- hai-h-nguyenNortheastern University
- handcraftedcode1Phoenix, AZ
- jetdilloRoadknight Labs
- jinyqjinyq
- kaajo@Roboauto
- leokoppelSan Francisco Bay Area
- lucasjinrealGoogle
- lucaswSeattle
- lucbettaieb@abundant-earth
- mdkennedy3Stanford University
- mithundiddiOpen Autonomous Systems
- nlieb
- Notion33Seoul, Korea
- NTU-P04922004Taipei, Taiwan
- patrikmRebl Industries
- plusk01MIT Aerospace Controls Lab
- puxu-xyz
- sivaariramUniversity of Oulu
- sjaek
- sneheshsUniversity of Maryland
- supengufoHarbin Institute of Technology,Shenzhen
- tevenfengBaidu International, SZ
- thomascent
- VLineLineOslo
- wangy12Canada
- ykoneeeChina GuangZhou
- zainmehdiLeuven, Belgium
- zyyfly2010China,shenzhen