ClearType Colored Halo Blurring
danielsokolowski opened this issue · 3 comments
danielsokolowski commented
Are there an workarounds or fixes for minimizing the color-halo blurring when NegativeScreen is active ? It's visible especially on smaller font.
I have re-run the ClearType calibration and it does help, also I have gone through the different inversion modes as well.
mlaily commented
I'm afraid you have found all the available workarounds...
The blur is caused by ClearType not working as intended because the colors are inverted, so if you want to keep ClearType enabled, there is not much you can do. (And honestly, disabling ClearType is not an ideal solution)
To sum up, you can:
- disable ClearType altogether, or experiment with its settings
- use another color effect where the color distortion is less pronounced
- use a screen with a higher pixel density (never tested, but it should improve the situation)
- live with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
danielsokolowski commented
I would add one more, to try changing the font family which sometimes we can do for example as in VS Code :)
danielsokolowski commented
Thank you for this program.