
Cannot be run on multiple Windows account simulatenously

Opened this issue · 1 comments


I run it on a computer where I have two user accounts. If I have the program running on one account, then it will not run on the other. It produces an error. Is there a way to run it for all users?

  • There is a mechanism to prevent multiple instances from running side by side (same executable path, so it's easy to copy paste NegativeScreen.exe and test two instances).
  • I think the Windows Magnification API full-screen mode is exclusive to one program at a time.

This issue is meant to keep track of the problem, even if it might not be fixable...

I ran into the same issue. I am using it to reduce rdp session color setting to grey 256 du do better OCR on the desktop, and it is a pity that windows doesn´t seem to handle the color settings as I need.