
Secure the API and Dashboard

benoit-cty opened this issue · 2 comments

CodeCarbon API and Dashboard are open to everyone. We think it will be better to have a way to segregate the data : only the owner of the organization could decide who has access to the data.

We need to allow:

  • Keycloak user management : we choose this tool to allow third party authentication like GitHub or private company LDAP.
  • Create an account on the user interface
  • Create organizations/teams/projects and give access to them to other account
  • Create token for the API
  • Support authentication with token in the API
  • Secure the dashboard to allow users to view only the data they are allowed to.
  • The aggregation api must read only the data the user are allowed to
  • Keep the option to share data publicly
  • We should create a CodeCarbon theme for the login and register pages. Keycloak allows to override them. See
  • Maybe less priority, Keycloak allows to have roles. We can have read-only users, team-admin, organisation-admin... And allow team-members to manage these roles via the API.