
Print migration warning when using mlcommons@ck

Closed this issue · 7 comments

We need to print a warning to suggest to migrate to mlcommons@cm4mlops

Hi @gfursin This change is very confusing to users and breaks all our previous readmes and any comments we had shared with users. If we cannot automatically alias mlcommons@ck to mlcommons@cm4mlops it might be better to not use the new repository.

Thank you for your feedback @arjunsuresh . I will check how to deal with aliasing to see what will be less confusing to the users.

Thank you @gfursin "cm pull repo mlcommons@ck" is at too many places and we should make it work with the latest code. Also, with the new repo, the users are supposed to raise "issues" in the new one right?

After digging a bit into code this morning, I do think that we can make a transparent alias when branch is not forced (it is usually for archives from scc23, etc - in such case it's actually good to use older repository) ... I will try to implement and test it this week ...

As for raising new issues, I want to keep mlcommons@ck as a "front-page" for CM and related sub-projects - in such case, issues can be raised both in mlcommons@ck and sub-projects. However, my goal is to define and unify the development standards for CM and CM-based repositories this year and find better mechanisms to track developments and issues - we need to have short-term and long-term projects with associated issues and keep track of that ... It should be done whenever the development plans for CM are finalized for the rest of this year... We can discuss it later ...

Thank you @gfursin . We also have this repository.

My suggestion will be to keep ck repository for issues related to only 'CM core'.

Thank you @gfursin . We also have this repository.

My suggestion will be to keep ck repository for issues related to only 'CM core'.

Oh, thank you for reminding about this repo - I completely forgot about it ;) . I will ask MLCommons admins to delete it.
