could not parse first line at . . .
haakonstorm opened this issue · 1 comments
λ man2md ls
could not parse first line at /Users/storm/bin/ line 626, <> line 38.
λ man2md which
could not parse first line at /Users/storm/bin/ line 626, <> line 32.
λ man2md systemsetup
could not parse first line at /Users/storm/bin/ line 626, <> line 18.
λ uname -a
Darwin 10core.local 19.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.4.0: Wed Mar 4 22:28:40 PST 2020; root:xnu-6153.101.6~15/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
I was so happy when I found this project.
Using it to pass its output to Cobertos/md2notion
project, to archive man
-pages and then edit them, then to recall I use the wrjlewis/notion-search-alfred-workflow
project to search Notion
for the edited man
-page. But, most of the manual pages I wanted to archive, throws an error as the above. Is this related to #5 perhaps? Since it errors out on most everything I wanted to convert perhaps this is something different? I do not know perl that well, nor the *roff
formats, how would we proceed to get this fixed?
Most likely it's the same issue, yeah.
I don't have DarwinOS here but Apple's online man page resources (e.g.
suggest to me that their man pages are in mdoc format, which my script doesn't support at the moment. Sorry about that!