
Paywall REST API Specification

Closed this issue · 3 comments

  • Create REST API Specification Document
  • Add specifications to support workflow to create licenses for subscribers #1544
  • Add comments to code to generate yard docs.

Post-install message from yard:

As of YARD v0.9.2:

RubyGems "--document=yri,yard" hooks are now supported. You can auto-configure
YARD to automatically build the yri index for installed gems by typing:

$ yard config --gem-install-yri

See yard config --help for more information on RubyGems install hooks.

You can also add the following to your .gemspec to have YARD document your gem
on install:

spec.metadata[""] = "yri" # use "yard" to build full HTML docs.

Preview As You Document→
With the new dynamic documentation server in YARD 0.6, you can now see exactly what YARD sees as you document your code. Simply type yard server --reload to have your project watch for changes in your codebase everytime you refresh the page. With this functionality, you almost have no excuse not to write documentation!