
Screenshot not taken on failure

Closed this issue · 3 comments

when test fails due to "no element found using locator" no screenshots are taken of the failure.
My protractor config file has

let reporter = new HtmlScreenshotReporter({
    showSummary: true,
    showQuickLinks: true,
    reportFailedUrl: true,
    dest: 'screenshots/' +runID,
    filename: 'my-report_'+runID+'.htm',
    reportOnlyFailedSpecs: false,
    captureOnlyFailedSpecs: false

other screenshots are being taken correctly

This behavior is correct, because your test actually threw an exception - hence the execution stopped and screenshot is not executed. This is a technical error, coming from Protractor - you need to either catch it and fail the test manually, or simply check for element's existence before interacting with it.

I agree, I think it would be helpful when maintaining tests that fail suddenly after working for weeks, having a screenshot of the point of failure can be helpful.

Sure, but that's something a library usually wouldn't do for you. You need to write your tests that way.