
Protractor fails because jasmine reporter can't delete the report dir

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I'm running protractor on a Mac and a facing the following error:

[1] Report destination:   report/report.html
[1] /Users/atalis/dev/cloud/sidebar/node_modules/protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter/index.js:285
[1]             throw new Error('Could not remove previous destination directory ' + opts.dest);
[1]             ^
[1] Error: Could not remove previous destination directory report//
[1]     at /Users/atalis/dev/cloud/sidebar/node_modules/protractor-jasmine2-screenshot-reporter/index.js:285:19

The report directory and the report.html file are created as read-only, so cannot be deleted by this process:

~/dev/cloud/sidebar:490> ls -l report
total 8
-rw-r--r--  1 root  staff  1961 Dec 15 10:47 report.html

I don't believe this is something the reporter can do for you. We're not explicitly setting any file permissions, so they are created with default set of access rights as defined by your system.
Try running the process with the same user that created rest of the directories (although I of course don't recommend running any of this as root).